User Attributes enable you to share information with WalkMe about your app's end-users, such as their role, preferences, subscription and other characteristics.

Configuring User Attributes Via API


 * Sets a user attribute
 * @param key the attribute key
 * @param value the attribute value
 * @code
 * Usage Examples:
 * [ABBI setUserAttributeWithKey:@"isProUser" andValue:@YES];
 * [ABBI setUserAttributeWithKey:@"isLoggedIn" andValue:@(0)];
+(void)setUserAttributeWithKey:(NSString *)key andValue:(id)value;

 * Sets multiple user attributes
 * @param attributes the user attributes
 * @code
 * Usage Example:
 * [ABBI setUserAttributes:@{@"isProUser": @YES, @"isLoggedIn": @(0)}];
+(void)setUserAttributes:(NSDictionary<NSString*,id> *)attributes;

 * Sets a private user attribute
 * @param key the attribute key
 * @param value the attribute value
 * @code
 * Usage Examples:
 * [ABBI setPrivateUserAttributeWithKey:@"gender" andValue:@"female"];
 * [ABBI setPrivateUserAttributeWithKey:@"balance" andValue:@(1000)];
+ (void)setPrivateUserAttributeWithKey:(NSString *)key andValue:(id)value;

 * Sets multiple private user attributes
 * @param attributes the private user attributes
 * @code
 * Usage Example:
 * [ABBI setPrivateUserAttributes:@{@"gender": @"female", @"balance": @(1000)}];
+ (void)setPrivateUserAttributes:(NSDictionary<NSString*,id> *)attributes;

 * Clears all private user attributes
+ (void)clearPrivateUserAttributes;


     * Sets a user attribute
     * @param key   the attribute key
     * @param value the attribute value (only primitive types are supported)
     * <p>
     * <b><u>Usage Examples:</u></b>
     * </p>
     *              {@code
     *              ABBI.setUserAttribute("isProUser", true);
     *              ABBI.setUserAttribute("isLoggedIn", false);
     *              }
    public static void setUserAttribute(String key, Object value)

     * Sets multiple user attributes
     * @param attributes   the user attributes
     * <p>
     * <b><u>Usage Example:</u></b>
     * </p>
     *              {@code
     *                  ABBI.setUserAttributes(new HashMap (String, String)(){{ put("isProUser", true); put("isLoggedIn", false); }};)
     *              }
    public static void setUserAttributes(Map<String,Object> attributes)

     * Sets a private user attribute
     * @param key   the attribute key
     * @param value the attribute value (only primitive types are supported)
     * <p>
     * <b><u>Usage Examples:</u></b>
     * </p>
     *              {@code
     *              ABBI.setPrivateUserAttribute("gender", "female");
     *              ABBI.setPrivateUserAttribute("balance", 1000);
     *              }
    public static void setPrivateUserAttribute(String key, Object value)

     * Sets multiple private user attributes
     * @param attributes   the private user attributes
     * <p>
     * <b><u>Usage Example:</u></b>
     * </p>
     *              {@code
     *                  ABBI.setPrivateUserAttributes(new HashMap (String, String)(){{ put("gender", "female"); put("balance", 1000); }};)
     *              }
    public static void setPrivateUserAttributes(Map<String,Object> attributes)

     * Clears all private user attributes
    public static void clearPrivateUserAttributes()

React Native

import WalkMeSDK from 'react-native-walkme-sdk';

// Platform iOS //

// Setting single user attribute
WalkMeSDK.setUserAttribute("key", "value") // Single value
// Setting multiple user attributes
WalkMeSDK.setUserAttributes({"key1": 3, "key2": "yes", "key3": false})
// Setting single Private user attribute
WalkMeSDK.setPrivateUserAttribute("privateKey1", 3)
// Setting multiple Private user attributes
WalkMeSDK.setPrivateUserAttributes({"privateKey1": 3, "privateKey2": "private value", "privateKey3": false})
// Clear Private user attributes

// Platform Android //

// Setting single user attribute
WalkMeSDK.setUserAttributes({"key1": 3})
// Setting multiple user attributes
WalkMeSDK.setUserAttributes({"key1": 3, "key2": "yes", "key3": false})
// Setting single Private user attribute
WalkMeSDK.setUserAttributes({"privateKey1": 3})
// Setting multiple Private user attributes
WalkMeSDK.setUserAttributes({"privateKey1": 3, "privateKey2": "yes", "privateKey3": false})
// Clear Private user attributes


document.addEventListener("deviceready", function() {
  // ...
  let walkme = window.cordova.plugins['WalkMeSDK'];
  // Setting single user attribute
  walkme.setUserAttribute("key1", 3);
  // Setting multiple user attributes
  walkme.setUserAttributes({"key1": 3, "key2": "yes", "key3": false});
  // Setting single Private user attribute
  walkme.setPrivateUserAttribute("privateKey1", "someValue");
  // Setting multiple private user attributes
  walkme.setPrivateUserAttributes({"privateKey1": 3, "privateKey2": "yes", "privateKey3": false});
}, false);