End-User Update API is an Integration that allows you to call a customer-facing API to update the end users’ attributes of a specific end-user. This can be used to send server-side update calls from any SaaS service that can send callbacks to an endpoint (i.e. URL).

This provides the ability to receive real-time updates to WalkMe’s End User Object, the integration set up allows you to identify the fields you want to import from any payload (whitelist) that will be stored in WalkMe’s end-user object and will later be available for filtering on Insights, reporting, and segmentation.

For more information on how to set up the End User Update integration, how to use it for segmentation, or how to use it for filtering data in Insights - see https://support.walkme.com/knowledge-base/end-user-update-api-integration/

Limitation Note: Incoming integrations are currently available for all WalkMe platforms except WalkMe Mobile and Mobile Web.