




String. Max length 500 chars.


With WalkMeInsightsAPI.track(event_name), you can easily track any meaningful events on your website or application in Insights. A custom event can be any event that you chose to report to Walkme, for example, it can be an event that is not available in the application and triggered by a back-end process. Once invoked, the event is sent to Insights.

WalkMeInsightsAPI will be available as a member of the window object whenever there is a WalkMe snippet on the page.

Rate Limit: 20 submissions per minute. Any excess calls will result in an error: Error: CustomEventSender: Call quota exceeded

// Example of WalkMeInsightsAPI.track('custom_event1') payload
	"time": 1580910184268,
	"type": "custom",
	"sId": "9984de76-40d5-acee-b8ee-88ef5212febf",
	"wm": {
		"uId": "0f2dd3be5003459cd69708",
		"euId": "e0f01d96-d0a35-87aa-09cd8",
		"euIdSource": "Cache",
		"permId": -1,
		"cVars": [null, 0, 0],
		"env": 3,
		"interactionGuid": "29c4ac28-e80e-3ac5-21d829e",
		"platform": 1,
		"cseuId": "782eb3a7-2081-911f-3f3cb"
	"env": {
		"browser": {
			"name": "Chrome",
			"version": "79.0.3945.130"
		"os": {
			"name": "Windows"
		"mobile": false,
		"screen": {
			"height": 627,
			"width": 1903
		"timezone": -120
	"ctx": {
		"location": {
			"protocol": "https:",
			"hostname": "www.hostname.org",
			"pathname": "/"
		"isIframe": false,
		"visitId": "b42d17696ab97631faa253978fa576ff",
		"title": "Page Title"
	"version": {
		"lib": "2023-1620-126ac",
		"pe": "5.0."
	"ctm": {
		"kv": ["default=custom_event1"]