TeachMePlayerAPI Course Functions
TeachMePlayerAPI.getOverallCompletion() Returns overall completion percentage rate of all courses available.
TeachMePlayerAPI.getCourses() Returns an object of Course Objects, with courseID as the key.
TeachMePlayerAPI.getCoursesWithQuiz() Returns an object of Course Objects that have a Quiz attached with courseID as the key.
TeachMePlayerAPI.toggleCourse(courseId): Open the TeachMe Player to a specific course.
TeachMePlayerAPI.getCourseProgress(courseId) Returns completion percentage rate of all of a specific course.
// Example Courses Object
  1121269: {
    Children: [{...}], // WalkThrus, Resources, etc
    CompletionPercentage: 100,
    Id: 1121269,
    Name: "WalkMe API Course",
    OrderIndex: 0,
    Quiz: {..},
    Settings: {
      enforceOrder: undefined,
      onlyPreviousDone: undefined